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Airtel Pay Per Second Plan

Apr 24, 2010

As we all know that Airtel has a very good call quality and they have a large customer base they have come up with his new feature where the call is rounded per second. As you might be aware all the providers round the calls to the minute and we tend to loose some $ because of that if we cut the call at the starting of the minute. But with this feature we can save that amt.

So they have introduced thid revolutionary Pay Per Second Plan for India calling for just 0.028 ¢/second.

Below are the features of the plan
* The $6.99 plan has an administration fee of $0.49, on the balance $6.50 you get the rate of 0.028 ¢/second to call mobile and landline in India on local access.
* That is you get 384 mins in just $6.99 on local access to call any phone in India.
* Validity of 30 days.
* Call rate to mobile and landline in India using toll free is 0.06 ¢/second.

You can visit the page to buy it by clicking here