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Free Call To India By Simple Call

Mar 3, 2010

Simple call,it is the UK retail division of International Telecoms Company Zamir Telecom.It is a simple and easy way to make national and international calls just like IndiaLD or Raza Providers.

I already mentioned about its services in the past.But the new information about it is that it has increased the free credit to $1 before it was 0.50Cents.

By using this free credit you can call to any country from any where in the world.It is very simple to make the free calls without giving any credit card details.Juts give the valid email id and phone number.

To call india from USA you will get 45 free mins and to pakistan you will get 15mins.The free minutes are based on the country you are calling.I tried this service the voice quality is good and it has good customer support.

So you can try the $1 free credit to test the voice quality of simplecall..They are offering reasonable rates to call india ,pakistan and many more countries.

To call india it charges around 2.3c/min and to pakistan 6.9c/mins.But any way the rates are high compared to Raza ,Local Phone,or IndiaLd.

To get the free credit just follow these steps:
1.Click Here to get register with Simple call.Then fill the form there with valid email and phone number.Now click on the create my account button.
2.On the second page click on the call me button for the phone verificataion.They callback to the your phone number and now you enter the pin given by them.
3.You will receive all your login details in the email.Then login with usedID and Pswd given in the email.
4.To check wheather you got the free credit or not.Click on the account balance button on the left side of the page.Now you should able to see free $1.

To call india you call the access number and then enter countrycode+areacode+Your number.(I.e 01191XXXxXXxxX)

To can buy the credit using paypal also.The minimum credit is from $5 to $ if you like the service then buy the credit.Any way Simple call is worth to have a try.