Increased Free Credit To Call India By Zenofon
Aug 19, 2009
zenofon was a big hit and most of the people were used their free credit.You will get more credit by just reffering to others,so that you will get credit continously in our account.
You can reffer to some friends and earn money.Now,you can transfer that refferal funds to make calls.It has giving $2 free credit from past so many days, today i saw that it had increased to $3.25cents. May Be the offer may change use it,i will post the updates..
You will get intially 0.25c in to account when you register with zenofon ,then once ur number got approved with zenofon then you will get $3 into ur account.
The call quality of zenofon is very good and people liked it so much.So it is overall good offer to call india,pakistan or any other country by without paying any penny.
ClickHere to register with ZenoFon.For more details on making calling check my prevoius post here.
thanks for this, great article.
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