Daily 10mins Free Calls To India
Feb 22, 2009
Here is the another solution to make free calls to india other than Ringplus.Tuitalk is a good company which is giving free calls to over 40countries.Now in that list India(landline+mobile) is included.Its a good news for most of the people.
Tuitalk is advertisement based free Voip Provider.Now Tuitalk is offering 10mins free calls to india,you can make to both landline or mobile.We will get only 10mins free call everyday.
I had already mentioned that it is ad based voip system,we have to watch the advertisement before the call get connected.These advertisers are sponsoring your call.You can talk as long as your sponsorship lasts for your call.A timer on the ad screen will tell you how much time you have still left.
Just follow these steps to make free call to india:
1.Click Here to register with Tuitalk.
2.Now Activate ur account.Download the Tuitalk voip softphone.
3.Login into ur account to make free calls.
4.To call india enter in this formate: 0091xxxxxxxxxx.I mean (00+country code+ur number).
5.Here you will shown a short adversitement,then ur call will connect.
The call quality is very good.So have a try.For more information goto Tuitalk.
If you want to call india for cheap rate then use Mediaring or indiald.Get 30min voucher code clickhere for more information on voucher code.
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