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Call India For Just 1c/min With Jumblo

Jul 28, 2009


Now-a-days calling rates to india are between 1c/min to 2c/mins.Alot of voip companies came up with so many good promotion to attract the customers.One of the regular blog reader mentioned the Voip known jumblo,which is offering good deal.I want to thank that person before proceeding.

In the same way another voip provider Jumblo.It is Uk based Company.It also reduced the calling rates to most of the country special to india.Now with jumblo you can call indian mobile for just 1c/min from phone to phone or pc to phone service.

Jumblo is giving 90days free calling to 40 countries and also you can call indian mobile for just 1c/min and to any indian landline it charge 1.4c/min.

You make calls using the access numbers.For USA they will give Newyork access number.Clickherefor local access numbers.

So in my view, think about jumblo service also before proceeding to buy credits to call india.

Pls feel free to give us feedback about the call quality and services of Raza,IndiaLd,YupeePhone.These are also the hot offers in the market to be consider.

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Airtel's Original IndiaOne Offer Is Back

Jul 26, 2009


As you already know that the Airtel's once cent offer was a success. Now to attract more customers they brought the offer back on to the deck with slight modification.

The main modification it done is that you can use the indiaone plan for 45days.Previously it is only 30days.As it is showing that it is giving 1c/min to call india,but acutaly the effective rate to call india will be 1.67c/min.

I think it is good rate to call india,but the it is only for 45days.You use it for 1month and use another provider in the market like yupeephone ,raza...They are also providing nice deal to call india.

Acutal IndiaOne Plan Details:
The $ 9.99 pack of IndiaOne has a rental of $ 3.99, on the balance $ 6 you get the rate of 1 cent /min on Local Access. This is applicable on calls terminating on any phone in India. i.e. you get an amazing 600 mins in just $ 9.99 on local access. With the extended validity , you can enjoy the talktime for 45 days .

But the call quality is excellent.It is also have so many plans India one Max, India one Neo", "Aapno Gujrat Plan..Check at Airtel for more information on this plans..

In my view the lastest good offers in the market is Raza,YupeePhone.By Raza you can call india for just 1c/min and the good offer is that your minutes wont expire.

Share your views about Raza And Yupee phones....

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50 Free Minutes To Call India From Boss Revolution

Jul 15, 2009


Boss revolution is giving $1 free(50Freemins) trial balance to new customer,who singup with them.No need to give the credit card details.It is totally free,You can try this free credit and if you like the call quality and service you can buy the credits with them.

The calling rates are not high when compared to others.It just charge 2c/min to call India from USA.I think this one of the good rate in the market.

To use this free credit just follow these steps:
1.clickhere to signup with Boss revolution.
2.Enter all the details and click on the purcahse button.
3.To complete the registration process you need to get the security code from boss revolution.To get this,follow the steps on the page.
They will send the security code through sms.If you dont have the sms service they will call you back to say the security code.They will call you with in 5 to 10mins.
4.So enter the security code and complete the registration process.

Login with registered phone and given security code now you can see that your account balance as $1.00.
To make calls,use the access numbers.I tried calling india from US.I got 50free minutes.The call quality is good.
To call india:Dial the access number and then enter countrycode+areacode+urnumber(011+91+xxxxxxxx)

So try this and leave a comment about ur expericence with Boss Revolution.

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$2 Free Credit By Zenofon


As many people used the zenofon free credit offer.It is giving only $1 free credit from past so many days, today i saw that it had increased to $2.So try who didn't used the offer.It may stop soon by zenofon

The call quality of zenofon is very good and the rates are also low to call india.If you like the call quality you can buy the credits.To get very low calling rate to india try the yupee phone.To call any indian it is just 1.6c/min.

You can reffer to some friends and earn money.Now,you can transfer that refferal funds to make calls also.

So it is overall good offer to call india,pakistan or any other country by without paying any penny.As you know you can signup only through refferal link.So ClickHere to Join Zenofon and from then you reffer your friends and earn some money.

For more information on Zenofon click here..

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Even More Reduced Calling Rates By LocalPhone

Jul 13, 2009


Local phone is well known voip provider in the market.It is the winner of cheap internataional call provider of the year 2008.

Now the good news is that it has even reduced the calling rates to most of the destinations.

Get Cheaper International Calls with Localphone

Here is the list of some popular destinations list:
Bangladesh 3.5¢ /min
India 2.5¢ /min
Malaysia 1.4¢ /min
New Zealand -Mobile 16.0¢ /min
Pakistan 7.9¢ /min
South Africa - Mobile 10.9¢ /min
Thailand 1.0¢ /min and many more.

Good calling Rates so try with small credit ,i will sure you definetly like the call quality.
Get the more details by visiting localphone.